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CI/CD Best Practises

Deploy Continuously

There’s a good reason the word continuous is in Continuous Delivery. Deploying every time you merge to your mainline branch has a tonne of advantages over doing a timed release every week/month.

Continuous delivery is a software development practice where code changes are automatically prepared for a release to production. A pillar of modern application development, continuous delivery expands upon continuous integration by deploying all code changes to a testing environment and/or a production environment after the build stage. When properly implemented, developers will always have a deployment-ready build artifact that has passed through a standardized test process.

Continuous Delivery Explained, AWS

The benefits

Reduce risk

Firstly, it reduces the risk of any particular deployment by making debugging easier. Having one changeset to analyse makes it a lot easier to identify what’s gone wrong, and find the most appropriate person to fix it (i.e. the commit author).

Improve the feedback loop

Secondly, it reduces the feedback loop for changes. Folks get to see their changes go out quickly, and it makes iteration easier. The shorter the feedback loop, the easier it is to make sure your changes work with all the others.

Deliver features quicker

Thirdly, everyone gets features quicker. Your customers won’t have to wait for the next release cycle, they’ll get the feature as soon as it’s ready.

Supporting material

Google’s DevOps Research & Analysis (DORA) metrics[1]

At a high level, Deployment Frequency and Lead Time for Changes measure velocity, while Change Failure Rate and Time to Restore Service measure stability. And by measuring these values, and continuously iterating to improve on them, a team can achieve significantly better business outcomes.

DORA identified that teams that deployed on-demand, multiple times a day, were in their “elite” category. Elite teams were twice as likely to meet or exceed their organizational performance goals.

[1] Are you an Elite DevOps performer? Find out with the Four Keys Project

The business value of Continuous Delivery by atlassian[2]

Atlassian’s article about continuous delivery describes it in terms that will be more familiar to business-minded folks. They state that the overall benefits of deploying continuously are:

  1. Velocity – Automated software delivery pipelines help organizations respond to market changes better.
  2. Producitivity – Productivity increases when tedious and repetitive tasks, can be performed by pipelines instead of humans.
  3. Sustainability – Automated pipelines reduce manual labor and lead to eventual savings since personnel is more expensive than tools.

[2] Continuous Delivery: Business Value, Benefits, Challenges & Metrics